Ice Ice Baby
Whether you choose to listen to Vanilla Ice while you ice your face is at your discretion, but one of the best things you can do while recovery from surgery is to use a soft compress around your face. After surgery, Dr. Sultan will send you home with one that you can use, but you may want to stock up on a few more so that you always have one handy.
Get Good Nutrition
After jaw surgery, you obviously won’t be able to eat foods like hamburgers or really anything solid for about a week. And although things like milkshakes may sound appetizing, make sure that your body is getting the nutrition it needs. We encourage our patients to eat nutrient dense smoothies with ingredients like kale, bananas, avocado, and strawberries. Additionally, make sure that you are drinking enough water.
Can you even remember the last time you got some rest? Well, now is your ultimate chance to catch up on some Zs. For about a full week after your surgery, we encourage all of our patients to stay in bed. Remember that the more time your body has to recuperate after surgery, the better.
Icing, getting good nutrition and ensuring that your body has a good amount of rest are just a few of the crucial things you should be doing while recovering from jaw reconstruction surgery. If you would like to learn more about this type of surgery or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Leslie H. Sultan’s office today!