What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

shutterstock 581282791 300x200 1 Are you one of many people in the area of Fort Lauderdale, FL who are missing one or more teeth within the smile? Are you afraid to ask your dentist about replacement options for fear of being told the treatment is expensive and unattainable on your budget? Do you want a solution that requires minimal care yet lasts a long time? If this sounds like you, it may be time to speak to Dr. Leslie Sultan and his team at the Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery to discuss the benefits of tooth replacement options such as dental implants.


Titanium posts that look like small hardware screws are how dental implants appear. These small restorations are placed during oral surgery into the jaw bone. The placement of the dental implant stimulates the bone growth around it, solidifying it in place and providing a permanent option for individuals looking for reliable and long-term tooth replacement options.


Many patients choose dental implants over alternative solutions for tooth replacement such as dentures and bridges. There are many reasons why. Dental implants:

  • Function as natural teeth, thanks to the stability obtained from bone growth
  • Feel like natural teeth, functioning as a natural tooth root once did within the jaw
  • Prevent bone resorption, or bone loss, common with tooth extraction and loss
  • Provide versatility, replacing one, several, or all the teeth in the dental arch
  • Are durable and provide the best stability, making them great for implant-retained dentures
  • Last a lifetime with proper care and attention, including routine dental checkups and cleanings
  • Are simple to care for, with brushing and flossing as patients normally do for the rest of their smile


Book an appointment with Dr. Leslie Sultan of Fort Lauderdale, FL to discuss your options when it comes to restoring the smile! The Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery is readily available for new and current patients at the office, conveniently located at 4800 North Federal Highway, Suite #201 and can be reached by phone at (954) 771-8772.

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