What Is Botox?
BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment is a revolutionary approach to reversing the affects of facial wrinkles caused by muscle movement. The most common areas of treatment are:
- Forehead and bridge of nose
- Crow's feet
- Frown lines around mouth.
These are referred to as dynamic wrinkle lines and all are treatable with this procedure. Botox is actually a purified protein that when injected into a muscle, temporarily reduces it's movement. Thus the elimination of wrinkles!
How To Prepare For Your Botox Procedure
A thorough medical history is obtained before consent is given for the procedure. Patients with certain neurological disorders are not candidates for Botox Cosmetic. Areas of concern are identified and are marked. Photos may be taken both before and after your treatment. You will be asked to make a number of facial expressions in order to identify to exact sites of injection.
The Botox® Cosmetic Procedure
BOTOX® Cosmetic is administered in our Ft. Lauderdale and Plantation offices, normally without anesthesia. Although the injections are quick and tiny, some patients prefer to numb the skin over the injection sites. Post-treatment discomfort is minimal, and a return to normal activities is common immediately after the procedure. Most patients begin to see results within days after the procedure. The effects can last up to 4 months and are completely reversible.
Research has suggested, however, that long term use of the injections leads to a longer duration of each treatment''s effect. Patients over the age of 65 may not experience such dramatic results. BOTOX® Cosmetic is only useful in treating expression lines and cannot be used to repair sagging skin caused by aging.
Results may vary between patients, and it is important to consider whether BOTOX®is the appropriate procedure for you.
Botox Before And After Photos

What Is Restylane?
Restylane is a natural cosmetic material used to fill in voids or deep wrinkles in certain areas on the face. It is made from a biocompatible material called hyaluronic acid. Thus it is virtually free of allergic reactions or disease transmission. Studies show that Restylane can last up to 6 months or longer, almost twice as long as collagen. It differs from Botox in that Restylane is a natural cosmetic filler, while Botox blocks nerve transmission to the underlying muscle. Unlike collagen, it can be used immediately, without the need for allergy testing. Injections are given thru an ultrafine needle, causing minimal discomfort. Some patients prefer to have the treatment area numb prior to injecting Restylane.
The most common site of injection are the nasolabial folds, although the material works well to enhance the lips as well as the area beneath the cheekbones.
Before Restylane®
After Restylane®

Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Interested in learning more about botox, restylane, and our other dermal fillers? Call (954) 771-8772 to schedule your consultation today!