Jaw Anatomy 101

Jaw Reconstruction Fort Lauderdale, FL As one of the most important parts of your body, your jaw is what helps you break down food to give you the nutrition that your body needs. Unless you are a doctor or an anatomy wizard, however, you likely don’t know much about the composition of your jaw. To help you gain a better understanding of your jaw anatomy, we have created a brief guide. Read on to learn more.

The Mandible

The lower part of your jaw is called the mandible which consists of a horizontal arch that holds your teeth in place and contains blood vessels and nerves. The front center part of the arch is thick and strong which forms your chin— something that is unique to humans and some other mammals. One of the most common injuries that we see in regards to the mandible is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) which causes the temporomandibular joint to become swollen and sore— resulting in pain, irritation, and even lock jaw.

The Upper Jaw

Attached to the nasal bones at the bridge of the nose, the upper jaw is also connected to the cheekbone which forms the anterior portion of the zygomatic arch. The lower part of the arch contains your upper teeth and is also connected to your sinuses. Typically, we see patients who have upper jaw issues caused by an accident or trauma, but upper jaw disorders are usually not consistent with a specific jaw disorder.

Just like any other part of the body, the jaw is incredibly intricate and complex. However, by understanding the basics of the upper and lower portion of the jaw, you can have a better understanding of your oral anatomy. If you have any jaw pain or problems that you would like to have evaluated by Dr. Leslie H. Sultan, contact our office today to schedule an appointment!

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