Jaw reconstruction is done to rebuild the upper and lower jaw that have been severely damaged due to certain conditions, such as injury, infection, or bone loss due to aging. However, your jaw will not remain in its post-treatment condition if you do not follow aftercare instructions.
Upon discharge
After jaw reconstruction surgery, Dr. Sultan may prescribe you with certain medications to help you with your recovery. The pain you will most likely experience after surgery will be treated with a common pain medication such as Vicodin. Liquid antibiotics may also be prescribed to you to minimize the risk for infection. On the other hand, swelling and inflammation from surgery may be countered with the use of Medrol Dosepack.
What diet to follow
Immediately following surgery to until about four weeks, you may be advised to eat thinner food and drinks since eating and drinking will be difficult for you during this time. Creating your own pureed diet could be helpful, too. To get the right amount of nutrition, smaller meals of about five to six times a day are preferred than the usual three meals per day. After four to six weeks, you may already slowly initiate minimal chewing on soft foods. Right after the sixth week, chewing can already be attempted.
Jaw reconstruction in Fort Lauderdale
The Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery is one of the few clinics in South Florida that specializes in jaw reconstruction surgeries. For more information on the procedure, request an appointment with Dr. Sultan today by calling (954) 771-8772. We look forward to hearing from you!