Jaw reconstruction is a comprehensive surgical procedure that seeks to correct, reform, and reshape your jaw in the wake of a number of severe jaw-related issues. A successful and professionally handled jaw reconstruction procedure will aid in the following:
Correcting Jaw Misalignment Issues
Jaw misalignment is an unfortunate condition that many people struggle with. It can cause chronic discomfort and pain and, in more severe cases, can even affect the appearance of your face. With jaw reconstruction surgery, the issues causing your misalignment can be accurately and effectively mended, freeing you of that discomfort and restoring your look.
Rebuilding Jaw Damage
Of course, not all jaw conditions arise out of genetics and illness; sometimes, jaw issues are a simple result of accidents that leave the jaw bone damaged or disfigured in some way. If you have an actively broken jaw, jaw reconstruction surgery is the go-to treatment of choice. However, jaw reconstruction can also be considered if jaw damage is healed and corrected improperly.
Relief From Associated Aches and Pains
As mentioned in our first point, discomfort and pain go hand-in-hand with most jaw issues. If nothing else, jaw reconstruction can be an effective solution for jaw conditions causing a range of pain, from occasional mild discomfort to daily pain.
A Renewed Self-Confidence
Naturally, with your renewed jaw will also come a renewed sense of confidence in your body and yourself. Free of your current jaw problems and the physical and emotional turmoil they can cause you, you’ll have the energy to tackle each day optimistically.
Comprehensive Jaw Reconstruction at Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery
If you’re in need of jaw reconstruction for any reason, you’re going to need a trusted professional like our very own Dr. Leslie Sultan. Reach out to her or a member of our team at 954-771-8772—we’re located conveniently in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and are happy to serve patients from all the surrounding communities.