Cheek implants are a great choice if you want a more permanent option. Often, implants are inserted through the mouth, as this doesn’t leave any visible scarring. These implants are usually made of silicone or Gore-Tex and are placed directly on the cheekbone. The added volume makes them project out more, giving your face a more defined contour.
It is also possible for implants to be placed below the cheekbones to fill in a sunken middle face, although of course, this implant placement will give you a different look.
Injections are also a popular opportunity to redefine the shape of your face. There are many benefits, especially as far as general medical risks go. It is much less likely to develop an infection or excessive bleeding with fillers, as you are not having a surgery. However, it is only temporary. No matter how much you like the look of your face with hyaluronic acids injected into the cheekbones, it won’t last forever. Even more permanent options are absorbed into the skin in time. However, you can always get injected again and again.
Another option for cheek fillers is a fat transfer. While it still will not be as effective as an implant, it will last longer than any hyaluronic acid filler, as you are being injected with natural (but processed) fat that has been removed from your own body.
Whatever your choice, you can soon bask in your own celestial beauty. You can become a Greek god or goddess through your cheek augmentation procedure. While you might not be on display at a world-famous museum, everyone will ooh and ah over your high and defined cheekbones.