How to Properly Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dental Checkup Yes, going into the dental chair only to have your bones sawed open and your wisdom (teeth) removed is enough to scare anyone into never leaving their bed. However, because you’ll be unconscious during the entire procedure, it really is nothing to worry about. The main thing you should be worried about with wisdom teeth removal is the recovery process. Read on to learn more.

  1. Rest It Up

You may have a lot of work to do but it’s crucial to rest for at least a day or two after your surgery. Rest gives your body the energy and time it needs to heal after undergoing something as strenuous as oral surgery. Make sure that you plan ahead of time in order to take the allotted amount of time off of work and school in order to fully rest

  1. Eat Soft Foods

Due to the nature of wisdom tooth removal surgery, it’s important to follow a strict diet for a few days after your surgery. Make sure that you eat a lot of soft or even liquid foods such as soup, mashed potatoes, and fruit smoothies. Just make sure that when you are drinking that you don’t use a straw, as the sucking motion caused by straws can cause dry sockets to occur.

  1. Ice

It might sound like the last thing you want to do, but wrapping an ice pack around your head and your jaw is the best way to combat all of the nasty swelling that occurs after surgery. Just make sure that the ice packs aren’t too firm, because you don’t want to apply a large amount of pressure on your jaw as it heals. Try to ice your face every few hours for about 10-20 minutes or until you start to notice the swelling start to subside.

  1. Change Your Gauze

When you’re still drugged up on anesthesia and are recovering a few hours after your surgery, the last thing you will want to do is change the gauze in your mouth. However, it’s important to continually swap out the gauze in your mouth in order to insure that the bleeding is stopping and that your mouth is free from germs and bacteria.

To learn more about how to properly care for your mouth after wisdom teeth removal, contact our office today!

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