Wisdom teeth are one of those leftovers of evolution that serve no purpose for modern humans. At one time, we needed these teeth to chew food, but our brains grew larger and needed the more real estate. Hence, the wisdom teeth became outdated relics of a bygone time, but some of us still develop wisdom teeth, and these extra teeth sure can cause some problems.
Has Anyone Seen My Wisdom Teeth?
Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth are located in the furthest reaches of your mouth. Molars are the large, flat teeth that are closest to your throat. The natural layout of your teeth includes a total of eight molars — two on the upper left, two on the upper right, two on the bottom left and two on the bottom right. Wisdom teeth develop behind your last molar.
The Impact Heard Around Your Mouth
Wisdom teeth may grow in normally, but chances are pretty good that these teeth will not erupt through the gums properly. The reason is that they are trying to grow in a space that is much too small. This goes back to how our larger brains took up the real estate that was once held by these teeth. When the wisdom tooth does not erupt properly, it tries to make its space by placing pressure on the forward molars, and this begins a chain reaction in your mouth. Overcrowding, infection, and inflammation are all possible consequences of wisdom teeth trying to find their place.
Are All Wisdom Teeth Bad?
No two mouths are the same, and your teeth have developed in a way that is unique to your anatomy. In some cases, wisdom teeth grow in just fine. If the teeth are impacted, they will need to be removed to avoid orthodontic work in the future or the undoing of orthodontic work that has already been completed.
Learn More About Impacted Wisdom Teeth. Contact Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery.
To learn more about impacted wisdom teeth, dental implants, TMJ surgery and our other services, contact Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery. You can also contact our Fort Lauderdale office directly at (954) 771-8772.