So many of us live life as if nothing can go wrong, but why? There’s no point in putting yourself at risk of injury just because you didn’t want to take one extra second to look both ways before crossing the road. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common tooth injuries and how we can help you if you do hurt your teeth.
Cracked Tooth
You can cause a cracked tooth if you’re out playing sports, skiing down the mountain, or even just biting a particularly hard piece of food. And, did you know that having a root canal on a tooth can weaken it, and increase your chances of a crack? But, a cracked tooth doesn’t always mean losing the tooth. Depending on where the crack falls on your tooth, you may just need a crown to fix the issue. Unfortunately, if the crack falls deep into the tooth, it may lead to the tooth dying, which would require an implant or other replacement for your tooth.
Sometimes there’s no noticeable pain or discomfort, and you may not even notice that you’ve injured or cracked a tooth until you come in for a regularly check up with us. As mentioned above, depending on where the crack falls, you may feel discomfort or nothing out of the ordinary.
Tooth Intrusion
You’ve likely heard about people having teeth knocked out, and may have even seen someone knock a tooth out at some point. But, did you know that you can knock a tooth deeper into the jawbone? Thankfully, this kind of injury is fairly rare. A tooth intrusion can cause pain and may even lead to a dead tooth, or the root of the tooth shortening, or becoming fused to the jaw bone.
If you find that your teeth are in need of repair, seeing a specialist will give you the best results and the most up-to-date knowledge regarding your teeth health. See your dentist regularly, and make sure to make an appointment if you have knocked your teeth hard. Call us today at (954) 771-8772 to schedule an appointment.