Introducing Platelet Rich Plasma

The field of cosmetic facial surgery is continuously advancing. Another procedure that has showed great promise in the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles is the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. What separates it from the rest though is that it uses your own tissue for the rejuvenation of the skin. This innovation was developed to minimize the patient’s risk for allergies that may be acquired from other foreign substances.

The Benefits of PRP – Uncovered!

Because of the wonders of using the body’s platelets to induce a remodeling of one’s tissue to a much younger and healthier state, the PRP therapy has the ability to speed up the healing of open wounds. This can especially be helpful in tendon and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

This technology has also been proven effective in the field of cosmetic surgery. PRP has shown significant results in the improvement of skin texture as well as the elimination of wrinkles and facial lines. When it is injected deeper into the skin layer, fibroblasts and other skin cells are stimulated to produce healthier skin cells. Platelet rich plasma can show dramatic results on areas under the eyes and the lines of the neck. Facial lines found above the upper lips can also be improved using PRP.

Dr. Sultan makes sure that his patients will only get the best results. If you are interested in undergoing PRP therapy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sultan today by calling us at (954) 771-8772.

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