If you participate in high impact sports like football or boxing, then you know that you are not only at risk for physical related injuries but for dental injuries as well. If you recently received some sort of blunt trauma to the head or mouth and suffered from some traumatic dental injuries, Dr. Leslie H. Sultan can help to get you back your smile in no time. Read on to learn more.
X-Rays and A Dental Examination
When you first go into see Dr. Leslie H. Sultan you can expect to have dental x-rays and an oral dental examination performed as well. The x-rays will show Dr. Leslie H. Sultan if there was any nerve, root, or gum damage that may have taken place during the initial impact. Whereas an oral examination will help determine whether or not a tooth has fallen out, if it may be causing any disruption to the surrounding teeth, or if any teeth have to be removed. Neither of these examinations should be very painful but you can expect to feel some level of discomfort.
Dental Implants
- Your natural tooth will be removed and your gums will need to heal for a few months.
- A dental rod will be inserted into the gum and is required to heal for a few months.
- A dental crown will then be placed on top of the rod which will act as your natural tooth.
Dental Veneers
If Dr. Leslie H. Sultan deems that your natural tooth is worth saving, then dental veneers may be recommended. By filing down your natural tooth to a small point, a small porcelain dental veneer will be glued onto your natural tooth— giving you the functionality and appearance of your teeth prior to being injured.
If you recently suffered from a traumatic dental related injury, contact Dr. Leslie H. Sultan today in order to get the proper treatment and examination you need!