Surgery or At-Home Remedies: A Look Into TMD Treatments

TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder is a jaw disorder that affects around 10 million Americans. As a disorder that makes typical everyday tasks like chewing, speaking, or even hearing to become uncomfortable, it can cause patients to feel less like themselves and more like an injured patient. If you or a loved one suffer from TMD and would like to get some sort of relief, read on to learn more.

Treatment Options

When it comes to treating TMD and with the help of Dr. Leslie Sultan, you will have a few options.

TMD At-Home Remedies

First and foremost, it will be recommended that you follow some strict at-home remedies in order to alleviate any pain or discomfort caused by your TMD. Remedies include:

  • Switch between both icing and heating your jaw when you feel that it is inflamed or irritated.
  • Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication during a TMD flare-up.
  • Massage your jaw bone when you start to feel a flare-up using your index and middle fingers.
  • Avoid eating hard-to-chew foods like steak and taffy.
  • Wear a bite guard to bed every night to help eliminate any sort of

Surgical Treatment

If you have tried treating your TMD with the above at-home remedies and have been suffering from this disorder for more than a few years, you might be an ideal candidate for TMD surgery.

Depending upon your age and the severity of the damage to your temporomandibular joint, Dr. Leslie Sultan may recommend that part of your joint be completely replaced.

Before the surgical procedure, a CT scan will be taken of your entire jaw structure in order to get an accurate picture and replica of your jaw structure. Once Dr. Sultan and the joint manufacturers have approved the design for the jaw, it will be sent off to the manufacturer. During the actual surgical procedure, all or part of your temporomandibular joint will be removed and replaced with the replica.

If suffer from TMD and are considering the possibility of getting surgery, contact Dr. Leslie Sultan today for a consultation. Get your jaw back to normal and start to feel like yourself once again.

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