In order to get to the root of the problem, your dentist will need to conduct multiple tests to decipher whether your snoring is caused by sleep apnea or not.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes the airways to collapse or become obstructed during sleep, which causes people to stop breathing up to 30 times per hour during their sleep cycle— which to the person sleeping next door, it sounds like a bunch of snoring and loud breathing.
- Oral Appliance Therapy
There are over 50 types of oral appliances available on the market. However, the most common appliance is designed to reposition the jaw, bringing it forward, and moving the tongue along with it. This in turn will prevent your tongue from falling back into the mouth and causing you to snore. Speak with your dentist about what type of oral appliance therapy solution is ideal for your condition.
If your dentist discovers that your spouse does indeed suffer from sleep apnea and depending on the severity of the disorder, your dentist may suggest that they use a CPAP machine every night. Only prescribed by medical physicians, CPAP machines are designed to help the wearer to breathe oxygenated air during sleep every night, eliminating any snoring.
Instead of grabbing the pillow next to you and having to cover your ears every night due to your spouse’s excessive snoring, take matters into your own hands and schedule an appointment to see if they have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder today.
Contact us to schedule an appointment!