Having dental implants is not the same as having your teeth cleaned by your dentist. New devices are directly placed in your mouth to replace your missing teeth, which means that you may need some adjusting with your teeth replacements and get used to them for the rest of your life.
You don’t have to be anxious about it. In no time, you will already feel and take care of them like your normal teeth. Here are some tips to get you by.
Controlling the Pain
During the first few days after your dental implants have been placed, you may still experience a little pain and discomfort here and there. Don’t worry. These sensations are normal and can be easily relieved with pain medications, like ibuprofen and aspirin, unless contraindicated by Dr. Sultan. Ice packs are a lot of help in reducing the swelling in the area too.
Proper Oral Hygiene for Dental Implants
To promote quick and proper healing, it is important that you follow specific rinsing instructions provided to you by Dr. Sultan. You may be advised to rinse your mouth with lukewarm saline water, or water with salt, after every meal and especially before going to sleep. Unless otherwise instructed, this routine is beneficial as you adjust to your dental implants.
What to Eat and Drink
Patients are prohibited from eating or drinking hot food and drinks within 24 hours following dental implant placement, as this could distress the treated area. For the meantime, opt for soft foods as your new teeth are still adjusting to their function. Avoid beverages with high acid content, like orange juice, to prevent any damage to your dental implants.
Dental Implants in Ft. Lauderdale and Broward County
If you are interested in replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, call us today at (954) 771-8772 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sultan. We look forward to hearing from you!