Computer-Guided Implant Replacement Available for Fort Lauderdale, FL Area Patients

Dr. Leslie Sultan of Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, FL is a dental professional who is ready and willing to help patients achieve beautiful, healthy smiles that function at their best. When patients are faced with tooth loss, they may need to place a restoration called a dental implant. Dental implants are a highly desirable option for patients who are seeking permanent tooth replacement. Our staff will have patients undergo an initial consultation appointment to determine if they are able to benefit from this or other restorations available in our practice before moving forward with placement.

How dental implants work

Many patients who are interested in replacing their missing tooth or teeth with dental implants are encouraged to ask about our special computer-guided implant treatment. Placing a dental implant, or a titanium post, is done during oral surgery, as the restoration needs to be placed within the bone of the jaw. Then, it is restored over the top with a denture, dental bridge, or a dental crown. The process of placing a dental implant requires precision, which is why our professionals use computer-guided options for ensuring the implant is placed properly into the jawbone. When this is done correctly, the restoration will look completely natural and the patient will enjoy a restored smile with proper functionality. Dental implants will last a lifetime with proper care and are biocompatible with the body. With the use of dental implants, patients can restore function of their smile, and will enjoy improved self-confidence with a tooth replacement that works best for their specific needs.

Who is a candidate?

Dental implants do require patients to have substantial bone of the jaw remaining, as this is needed to act as the proper foundation for the smile. During a consultation appointment, patients will undergo x-rays which are used to check the bone and ensure it is healthy enough for implant placement.

Schedule an appointment with Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery

Dr. Leslie Sultan and the staff at Sultan Center for Oral Facial Surgery are always accepting new and existing patients into the practice for comprehensive care. We welcome patients to book an appointment at our office by calling (954) 771-8772 and visit 4800 North Federal Hwy #201.

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